We are building a whole new library for our customers to benefit from. It is going to take some time, but it sure is going to be worth it. Here are some of the things we are working on ...
Free Guides
Video Library
All our websites are built on an easy to edit framework that requires no code, however, with any new skill, we learn we require a little bit of orientation. Our video library will familiarise our customers with all the settings and tutorials need to edit their website. Right now this is offered as a skype training session. And a few follow-up sessions thereafter.
Online Course
The second most requested training we are asked for is some orientation on the content marketing, social media and blogging area. Customers are keen to learn how to promote their businesses correctly using these new channels. This course will probably be available in the second half of the year. Modules will be done step by step with practical examples, advice and application. All content will be available to you to review over and over until you are comfortable. We will also have a membership area with a forum to ask questions and share ideas with fellow student to help you on your journey.